🐰Weekend Update: 3/28-3/31 - Events on Martha's Vineyard
easter services + egg hunts, restaurant updates, flying horses re-opens
Happy Thursday!
🌦 Weekend Weather:
Brace for a breezy Friday with a rainy start, clearing up later for highs near 46°F. Saturday promises sun with highs around 49°F, but hold onto your hats – gusts could top 40 mph. Sunday's slightly warmer at 50°F with a blend of clouds and sun. What a gorgeous spring weekend ahead!
Recently on MVacay
🌳 Things to Do Up-Island in Chilmark, Aquinnah and West Tisbury
Coming Next Week: 2024 Save the Dates + Kid-Friendly Spring Activities
Notable Island News Headlines
Seastreak will re-launch ferry from New York City again this summer / Read more
Try Transit - Ride fare free on VTA will end Sunday and fares will begin again Monday
Renovations are nearly complete on the Tabernacle Roof and North Bluff Roundabout in Oak Bluffs
For restaurant and business updates see more at the bottom of the newsletter!
What To Do This Weekend
Friday (3/29)
🕊️ Good Friday Service at Various Churches Islandwide
🥚Easter Egg Hunt for all customers hidden in Morning Glory Farm, ongoing Fri + Sat
🥚Easter Egg Hunt for all customers hidden in Chicken Alley Thrift, ongoing Fri + Sat with $5 purchase
🖼️ Group Exhibit: 9 Artists at PathwaysARTS, 12-9p / Link
PathwaysARTS Gallery presents a diverse selection of artworks by island artists, available for purchase.
🎲 The Friday Reset at Martha's Vineyard Museum, 5-8p / Link
An evening of board games, crafts, puzzles, with live music from Casey Heyward. $25
🐕 Black Dog Trivia Night at Black Dog Cafe, 6-8p
Enjoy trivia night with prizes, team play, dinner specials, and fall drinks.
🎶 An Evening of Original Music: Big Weather and Lake of Autumn at PathwaysARTS, 7-9p
A night of original music featuring two bands, Big Weather and Lake of Autumn, with donations accepted.
Saturday (3/30)
⭐Treat Yo’Self Pre-Summer Women’s Wellness Retreat, Island Inn Conference + Events Center, 9a-3:30p / info
A full day of self-care and wellness open to all women, $150
🐣 Annual Farm Institute Egg Hunt at FARM Institute, 9:45-10:45a / Link
A fun egg hunt with different age categories and a chance to find the golden egg. Pre-registration encouraged, $5-10. 2 & under at 9:45, 3-5 at 10:15, and 6 & up at 10:30!
🐣 Spring Egg Hunt at Misty Meadows Equine Learning Center, 10a-12p / Link
A family-friendly egg hunt with face painting, an obstacle course, prizes, and a chance to meet horses, $5.
🐣 Spring Egg Hunt at West Tisbury Public Library, 10:30-11a / Link
A family-friendly egg hunt followed by weekly family crafts, free and open to the public.
🐣 Easter Egg Hunt with Edgartown Parks Department at Robinson Road Rec Area at 11:30am SHARP
Ages Toddler to 4th Grade. Golden Eggs contain DQ gift cards and the Easter Bunny will be attending and handing out candy. Free
🐣 Easter Celebrations at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 9a-1p
9a: Easter Egg Hunt
11a-1p: Enjoy egg coloring with lots of dye and stickers, free and open to all.
⭐Confidence Building for Entrepreneurs at Haven Shared Workspace, 10a / Sign Up
This workshop will help you build the confidence to get what you need to start or grow your business, $89.
🎠 Opening Day at the Flying Horses, 11a-4:30p / Link
🐣 Island Alpaca, Easter Bunny Meet and Greet with the Alpaca, 1-3p / Link
Meet the Easter Bunny and alpaca friends with refreshments served, free admission (donations welcomed) / Sunday too
🐦 Beach Bird Aware Tutorial Part Two at Edgartown Lighthouse, 2-3p / Link
Learn how to be a beach bird ambassador with VCS and BiodiversityWorks, free and open to all.
🍲 Chilmark Potluck Jam #63 at Chilmark Community Center, 6p
Enjoy music from local musicians, bring a dish to share, and consider donating for a new P.A. system.
💃 Island Children's School: Harmony and Heritage Fundraiser at PA Club, 6-9p
A night of dance and generosity with food, dancing, and a silent auction. Free / donations at the door
Sunday (3/31)
🕊️ Easter Sunday Service at Various Churches Islandwide
🌅 Sunrise Service at Memorial Wharf, 7a
Easter morning sunrise service celebrated by the Federated Church of Martha's Vineyard, dress for the weather.
🐣 Easter Egg Hunt at Chilmark Church after Service at 10a
🐣 Community Easter Service and Egg Hunt at Agricultural Hall, 10-11:30a
Island Community Easter Service followed by an egg hunt, with coffee served and child care provided.
🐣 Easter Egg Hunt Sponsored by The Federated Church at Edgartown Village Green, 11:30a-12:30p / Link
Annual Easter Egg Hunt with treats hidden by the Easter Bunny and refreshments available.
🐣 Easter Egg Hunt at West Tisbury Fire Department, 11a SHARP / Link
Being your kids for an Easter egg hunt at the fire station next to the baseball field at 551 Edgartown West Tisbury Rd. The hunt will begin shortly after 11am
🐣 Egg Hunt after service at Vineyard Assembly of God, Service starts at 10:30a and Egg Hunt at ~12:30p
🐣 Easter Egg Hunt at Vineyard Gardens, 1p
Bring your own bucket // Find the golden egg for a prize!
🎷 Jazz Brunch at Martha's Vineyard Hebrew Center, 12-1:30p / Link
Sunday brunch with live jazz featuring Eric Johnson and Jeremy Berlin.
🐰 Meet the Easter Bunny at the Flying Horses Carousel, 12-2p
Meet the Easter Bunny at America's oldest carousel.
🎶 Live Music: Back Porch Trio Rhythm and Blues at Black Dog Tavern, 1-3p
Afternoon blues with the Back Porch Trio featuring smooth rhythm and blues.
🎸 Live Music: Don and Barbara at VFW Hall, 5-7p
Rock out with Don Groover and Barbara Puciul, with food from Chef Deon's Kitchen available.
📅 Save The Date
April 5 - Martha's Vineyard Figure Skating Club Annual Ice Show
April 5 - Comedy with TBD Improv at Barn
April 13 - Free Movie Saturdays at Strand - Trolls
April 7 - Upcycling 101 Workshop at Ag Hall
April 9 - Town of Oak Bluffs Annual Town Meeting
April 11 - Vineyard Haven Cultural District Open Meeting
April 13 - Bivalve Ball at Chilmark Community Center
April 13 - Creating a Performance Culture Workshop at Haven
April 13 - Free Movie Saturdays at Strand - Barbie
April 13 - Free Movie Saturdays at Strand - THe COlor Purple
April 27 - Island Alpaca Shearing Day
April 27 - Statewide Volunteer Day at Felix Neck
May 4 - MS Ride the Vineyard
May 10–12 - Mother's Day Weekend in Edgartown
May 13-15 - Martha’s Party Wedding + Event Conference
May 23–26 - Environmental Film Festival
May 26 - Hospice and Palliative Care of MV 5k Road Race + Kids Fun Run
Save The Dates for beyond June coming Monday!
Business + Restaurant Updates
Easter Sunday Dining Available:
Bettini, Alchemy, The Terrace, Sweet Life, Town MV, Black Dog Tavern…
Closing: Copper Anchor’s last day is Sunday 3/31
Open Now: Ben + Bills
Pop-Up: Beetlebung Farm will be temporarily open this weekend Fri-Sun
Expanding: Midnight Taco will reloccate this season as a 49-seat restaurant with a patio this year across the street in the former Juice By the Sea location. It will also serve alcohol!
Reopening Dates Coming Soon:
April 1 - The Larder, 19 Raw Oyster Bar, Atlantic, Lookout Tavern
April 2 - State Road
April 4 - Red Cat, Tigerhawk Sandwich
April 9 - Beach Road
April 12 - Back Door Donuts, Bad Martha’s
April 14 - Fat Ronnie’s
April 16 - Black Sheep Mercantile
April 19 - Coop de Ville
Got a business opening or closure? Got an event to share with us?
Use the Form links on MVacay.com or send an email to info@mvacay.com